Occupations in English - nazwy zawodów po angielsku.
Nazwy zawodów po angielsku - zestaw słówek. Przynajmniej podstawowe nazwy zawodów po angielsku powinny być znane. Poniższa lista zawiera słówka wraz z przykładowym zdaniem oraz wymową.
słówko | tłumaczenie | przykładowe zdanie | tłumaczenie zdania | |
1. | accountant Click to listen highlighted text! accountant | księgowy | We need our accountant's opinion. Click to listen highlighted text! We need our accountant's opinion. | Potrzebujemy opinii naszego księgowego. |
2. | actor Click to listen highlighted text! actor | aktor | He wants to become an actor. Click to listen highlighted text! He wants to become an actor. | On chce zostać aktorem. |
3. | actress Click to listen highlighted text! actress | aktorka | My favourite actress is Natalie Portman Click to listen highlighted text! My favourite actress is Natalie Portman | Moja ulubiona aktorka to Natalie Portman. |
4. | adviser Click to listen highlighted text! adviser | doradca | You really need a good adviser. Click to listen highlighted text! You really need a good adviser. | Potrzebujesz naprawdę dobrego doradcy. |
5. | architect Click to listen highlighted text! architect | architekt | This building was designed by the most famous architect in China. Click to listen highlighted text! This building was designed by the most famous architect in China. | Ten budynek został zaprojektowany przez najbardziej znanego chińskiego architekta. |
6. | artist Click to listen highlighted text! artist | artysta | I love his works. He is a real artist. Click to listen highlighted text! I love his works. He is a real artist. | Kocham jego prace. Jest prawdziwym artystą. |
7. | babysitter Click to listen highlighted text! babysitter | opiekunka do dzieci | My children like to spend time with their babysitter. Click to listen highlighted text! My children like to spend time with their babysitter. | Moje dzieci lubią spędzać czas ze swoją opiekunką. |
8. | baker Click to listen highlighted text! baker | piekarz, cukiernik | This baker knows how to bake the organic bread. Click to listen highlighted text! This baker knows how to bake the organic bread. | Ten piekarz wie jak upiec organiczny chleb. |
9. | barber Click to listen highlighted text! barber | fryzjer męski | The only barber I trust is mr Cane. Click to listen highlighted text! The only barber I trust is mr Cane. | Pan Cane jest jedynym fryzjerem męskim, któremu ufam. |
10. | beautician Click to listen highlighted text! beautician | kosmetyczka | More and more men visit beauticians. Click to listen highlighted text! More and more men visit beauticians. | Co raz więcej mężczyzn odwiedza kosmetyczki. |
11. | blacksmith Click to listen highlighted text! blacksmith | kowal | My grandfather was a blacksmith. Click to listen highlighted text! My grandfather was a blacksmith. | Mój dziadek był kowalem. |
12. | bodyguard Click to listen highlighted text! bodyguard | osobisty ochroniarz | I never leave the house without my bodyguard. Click to listen highlighted text! I never leave the house without my bodyguard. | Nigdy nie wychodzę z domu bez ochroniarza. |
13. | bookkeeper Click to listen highlighted text! bookkeeper | księgowy | Do you know a good bookkeeper? Click to listen highlighted text! Do you know a good bookkeeper? | Znasz dobrego księgowego? |
14. | bookseller Click to listen highlighted text! bookseller | księgarz | Is it true that a bookseller reads a lot? Click to listen highlighted text! Is it true that a bookseller reads a lot? | Czy to prawda, że księgarz czyta dużo książek? |
15. | bricklayer Click to listen highlighted text! bricklayer | murarz | I worked as a bricklayer when I was young. Click to listen highlighted text! I worked as a bricklayer when I was young. | Gdy byłem młody pracowałem jako murarz. |
16. | bus driver Click to listen highlighted text! bus driver | kierowca autobusu | You need a special driving licence to become a bus driver. Click to listen highlighted text! You need a special driving licence to become a bus driver. | Potrzebujesz specialnego prawa jazdy aby pracować jako kierowca autobusu. |
17. | butcher Click to listen highlighted text! butcher | rzeźnik | I heard that butchers are well paid. Click to listen highlighted text! I heard that butchers are well paid. | Słyszałam, że rzeźnicy nieźle zarabiają. |
18. | butler Click to listen highlighted text! butler | lokaj | Do you have the qualifications to start work as a butler? Click to listen highlighted text! Do you have the qualifications to start work as a butler? | Czy posiada pan odpowiednie kwalifikacje aby pracować jako lokaj? |
19. | bookbinder Click to listen highlighted text! bookbinder | introligator | My husband is a bookbinder. Click to listen highlighted text! My husband is a bookbinder. | Mój mąż jest introligatorem. |
20. | barman Click to listen highlighted text! barman | barman | Ask the barman to pour me a pint of beer. Click to listen highlighted text! Ask the barman to pour me a pint of beer. | Poproś barmana żeby nalał mi piwo. |
21. | businessman Click to listen highlighted text! businessman | przedsiębiorca | You don't need university degree to become a businessman. Click to listen highlighted text! You don't need university degree to become a businessman. | Nie potrzebujesz wyższego wykształcenia aby zostać przedsiębiorcą. |
22. | bouncer Click to listen highlighted text! bouncer | bramkarz (w klubie) | On Saturdays he works as a bouncer in the club. Click to listen highlighted text! On Saturdays he works as a bouncer in the club. | W soboty pracuje na bramce w nocnym klubie. |
23. | car mechanic Click to listen highlighted text! car mechanic | mechanik samochodowy | He is studying to become a car mechanic. Click to listen highlighted text! He is studying to become a car mechanic. | Uczy się aby zostać mechanikiem samochodowym. |
24. | caretaker Click to listen highlighted text! caretaker | woźny | A caretaker is someone who looks after the building. Click to listen highlighted text! A caretaker is someone who looks after the building. | Woźny to osoba, która dba o cały budynek. |
25. | carpenter Click to listen highlighted text! carpenter | stolarz | I am waiting for a carpenter to fix the stairs. Click to listen highlighted text! I am waiting for a carpenter to fix the stairs. | Czekam na stolarza, który naprawi schody. |
26. | cashier Click to listen highlighted text! cashier | kasjer | The cashier did not give me the change. Click to listen highlighted text! The cashier did not give me the change. | Kasjer nie wydał mi reszty. |
27. | chauffeur Click to listen highlighted text! chauffeur | szofer | Chauffeur job is perfect for someone who loves driving. Click to listen highlighted text! Chauffeur job is perfect for someone who loves driving. | Praca szofera jest idealna dla osób kochających prowadzić samochód. |
28. | chef Click to listen highlighted text! chef | szef kuchni | I am a chef in a Polish restaurant. Click to listen highlighted text! I am a chef in a Polish restaurant. | Jestem szefem kuchni w polskiej restauracji. |
29. | chemist Click to listen highlighted text! chemist | aptekarz | The chemist was searching for that medicine everywhere. He has finally found it in Portugal. Click to listen highlighted text! The chemist was searching for that medicine everywhere. He has finally found it in Portugal. | Aptekarz wszędzie szukał tamtego leku. Wreszcie odnalazł go w Portugalii. |
30. | cleaner Click to listen highlighted text! cleaner | sprzątaczka | My cleaner did her best to get rid of those stains. Click to listen highlighted text! My cleaner did her best to get rid of those stains. | Moja sprzątaczka zrobiła co mogła aby pozbyć sie tych plam. |
31. | chimney sweep Click to listen highlighted text! chimney sweep | kominiarz | Don't clean your chimney by yourself. Leave it to professional chimney sweep. Click to listen highlighted text! Don't clean your chimney by yourself. Leave it to professional chimney sweep. | Nie czyść komina sam. Zostaw to profesjonalnemu kominiarzowi. |
32. | coal miner Click to listen highlighted text! coal miner | górnik | The coal miner job is very dangerous. Click to listen highlighted text! The coal miner job is very dangerous. | Praca górnika jest bardzo niebezpieczna. |
33. | computer scientist Click to listen highlighted text! computer scientist | informatyk | I am not a computer specialist, but I know what to do when the computer stops working. Click to listen highlighted text! I am not a computer specialist, but I know what to do when the computer stops working. | Nie jestm informatykiem, ale wiem co zrobić gdy komputer przestaje działać. |
34. | coach Click to listen highlighted text! coach | trener | Did you tell the coach about your injury? Click to listen highlighted text! Did you tell the coach about your injury? | Czy mówiłeś trenerowi o swojej kontuzji? |
35. | cook Click to listen highlighted text! cook | kucharz | Who is your favourite cook? Click to listen highlighted text! Who is your favourite cook? | Kto jest twoim ulubionym kucharzem? |
36. | copywriter Click to listen highlighted text! copywriter | copywriter | Working as a copywriter makes me feel free. Click to listen highlighted text! Working as a copywriter makes me feel free. | Praca copywritera sprawia, że czuję się wolny. |
37. | counsellor Click to listen highlighted text! counsellor | doradca, psycholog szkolny | Brian has already spoken with the counsellor. Click to listen highlighted text! Brian has already spoken with the counsellor. | Brian rozmawiał już z psychologiem szkolnym. |
38. | critic Click to listen highlighted text! critic | krytyk | My film was highly rated by the critics. Click to listen highlighted text! My film was highly rated by the critics. | Film został otrzymał wysokie oceny krytyków. |
39. | conductor Click to listen highlighted text! conductor | dyrygent | That orchestra really needs a new conductor. Click to listen highlighted text! That orchestra really needs a new conductor. | Ta orkiestra naprawdę potrzebuje nowego dyrygenta. |
40. | dancer Click to listen highlighted text! dancer | tancerz | You must train every day to become a dancer. Click to listen highlighted text! You must train every day to become a dancer. | Musisz codziennie ćwiczyć aby zostać tancerzem. |
41. | dealer Click to listen highlighted text! dealer | sprzedawca | I asked the dealer for a better offer. Click to listen highlighted text! I asked the dealer for a better offer. | Poprosiłem sprzedawcę o lepszą ofertę. |
42. | dentist Click to listen highlighted text! dentist | dentysta | Are you affraid of the dentist? Click to listen highlighted text! Are you affraid of the dentist? | Boisz się dentysty? |
43. | director Click to listen highlighted text! director | reżyser | In my opinion the director is too demanding. Click to listen highlighted text! In my opinion the director is too demanding. | Moim zdaniem reżyser jest zbyt wymagający. |
44. | doctor Click to listen highlighted text! doctor | lekarz | Is there a doctor on board? Click to listen highlighted text! Is there a doctor on board? | Czy na pokładzie jest lekarz? |
45. | designer Click to listen highlighted text! designer | projektant | Do you often buy famous designer clothes? Click to listen highlighted text! Do you often buy famous designer clothes? | Często kupujesz ubrania znanych projektantów? |
46. | detective Click to listen highlighted text! detective | detektyw | She hired a private detective to follow her husband. Click to listen highlighted text! She hired a private detective to follow her husband. | Wynajęła prywatnego detektywa aby śledził jej męża. |
47. | developer Click to listen highlighted text! developer | deweloper | The new tax relief for developers will enter into force soon. Click to listen highlighted text! The new tax relief for developers will enter into force soon. | Wkrótce powinna wejść w życie nowa ulga podatkowa dla deweloperów. |
48. | debt collector Click to listen highlighted text! debt collector | windykator | Debt collectors try to contact him every day. Click to listen highlighted text! Debt collectors try to contact him every day. | Windykatorzy każdego dnia próbują się z nim skontaktować. |
49. | dietician Click to listen highlighted text! dietician | dietetyk | Dietician will surely help you to loose weight. Click to listen highlighted text! Dietician will surely help you to loose weight. | Dietetyk pomoże ci schudnąć. |
50. | dress maker Click to listen highlighted text! dress maker | krawiec damski | Her husband is a dress maker. Click to listen highlighted text! Her husband is a dress maker. | Jej mąż jest krawcem damskim. |
51. | driver Click to listen highlighted text! driver | kierowca | A good driver doesn't need a map. Click to listen highlighted text! A good driver doesn't need a map. | Dobry kierowca nie potrzebuje mapy. |
52. | driving instructor Click to listen highlighted text! driving instructor | instruktor nauki jazdy | You need a driving instructor to improve your driving skills. Click to listen highlighted text! You need a driving instructor to improve your driving skills. | Potrzebujesz instruktora nauki jazdy aby poprawić swoje umiejętności za kierownicą. |
53. | editor Click to listen highlighted text! editor | redaktor, wydawca | He is another editor who rejected my book. Click to listen highlighted text! He is another editor who rejected my book. | To kolejny wydawca, który odrzucił moją książkę. |
54. | electrician Click to listen highlighted text! electrician | elektryk | You don't need an electrician to change the bulb. Click to listen highlighted text! You don't need an electrician to change the bulb. | Nie potrzebujesz elektryka, żeby wymienić zarówkę. |
55. | engineer Click to listen highlighted text! engineer | inżynier | Did you study hard to become an engineer? Click to listen highlighted text! Did you study hard to become an engineer? | Czy dużo się uczyłeś aby zostać inżynierem? |
56. | entertainer Click to listen highlighted text! entertainer | artysta estradowy | He is a professional entertainer. Click to listen highlighted text! He is a professional entertainer. | On jest profesjonalnym artystą estradowym. |
57. | real estate agent Click to listen highlighted text! real estate agent | agent nieruchomości, pośrednik nieruchomości | How much do I have to pay for real estate agent's fee? Click to listen highlighted text! How much do I have to pay for real estate agent's fee? | Ile muszę zapłacić za pośrednictwo agenta nieruchomości? |
58. | farmer Click to listen highlighted text! farmer | rolnik | Farmers use a lot of fertilisers these days. Click to listen highlighted text! Farmers use a lot of fertilisers these days. | Obecnie rolnicy używają dużo nawozów. |
59. | filmmaker Click to listen highlighted text! filmmaker | filmowiec | The young filmmaker from Poland won the festival. Click to listen highlighted text! The young filmmaker from Poland won the festival. | Młody filmowiec z Polski wygrał festiwal. |
60. | firefighter Click to listen highlighted text! firefighter | strażak | The Firefighters tried to rescue my dog from the burning house. Click to listen highlighted text! The Firefighters tried to rescue my dog from the burning house. | Strażacy próbowali uratować mojego psa z płonącego budynku. |
61. | flight attendant Click to listen highlighted text! flight attendant | stewardesa | Flight attendants direct passengers during emergency situations. Click to listen highlighted text! Flight attendants direct passengers during emergency situations. | Stewardesy instruują pasażerów w sytuacjach awaryjnych. |
62. | florist Click to listen highlighted text! florist | florystka | I fell in love with the florist who works in the mall. Click to listen highlighted text! I fell in love with the florist who works in the mall. | Zakochałem się we florystce pracującej w centrum handlowym. |
63. | footballer Click to listen highlighted text! footballer | piłkarz | Not every footballer earns a lot of money. Click to listen highlighted text! Not every footballer earns a lot of money. | Nie każdy piłkarz zarabia dużo pieniędzy. |
64. | forester Click to listen highlighted text! forester | leśniczy, leśnik | I am a forester and I love my job. Click to listen highlighted text! I am a forester and I love my job. | Jestem leśnikiem i kocham swoją pracę. |
65. | furrier Click to listen highlighted text! furrier | kuśnierz | My father was a well known furrier in Warsaw. Click to listen highlighted text! My father was a well known furrier in Warsaw. | Mój tata był znanym w Warszawie kuśnierzem. |
66. | gardener Click to listen highlighted text! gardener | ogrodnik | My garden is a mess. The gardener comes tomorrow. Click to listen highlighted text! My garden is a mess. The gardener comes tomorrow. | Mój ogród to chaos. Jutro przychodzi ogrodnik. |
67. | glazier Click to listen highlighted text! glazier | szklarz | It is good to have a glazier in family. Click to listen highlighted text! It is good to have a glazier in family. | Dobrze mieć w rodzinie szklarza. |
68. | goldsmith Click to listen highlighted text! goldsmith | złotnik | Her brother works as a goldsmith. Click to listen highlighted text! Her brother works as a goldsmith. | Jej brat jest złotnikiem. |
69. | graphic designer Click to listen highlighted text! graphic designer | grafik | There are many job positions for graphic designers. Click to listen highlighted text! There are many job positions for graphic designers. | Jest wiele ofert pracy dla grafików komputerowych. |
70. | guard Click to listen highlighted text! guard | strażnik | After the burglary we decided to hire a guard. Click to listen highlighted text! After the burglary we decided to hire a guard. | Po włamaniu postanowiliśmy zatrudnić strażnika. |
71. | guide Click to listen highlighted text! guide | przewodnik | Don't leave the hotel without the guide. Click to listen highlighted text! Don't leave the hotel without the guide. | Nie opuszczaj hotelu bez przewodnika. |
72. | hairdresser Click to listen highlighted text! hairdresser | fryzjer | A hairdresser must be creative. Click to listen highlighted text! A hairdresser must be creative. | Fryzjer musi być kreatywny. |
73. | head teacher Click to listen highlighted text! head teacher | dyrektor szkoły | Everyone is affraid of our head teacher. Click to listen highlighted text! Everyone is affraid of our head teacher. | Wszyscy boją się naszego dyrektora szkoły. |
74. | inspector Click to listen highlighted text! inspector | inspektor, kontroler | The inspector checked our fire protection system. Click to listen highlighted text! The inspector checked our fire protection system. | Inspektor skontrolował naszą instalację przeciwpożarową. |
75. | insurance agent Click to listen highlighted text! insurance agent | agent ubezpieczeniowy | My insurance agent has given me a good car insurance deal. Click to listen highlighted text! My insurance agent has given me a good car insurance deal. | Mój agent ubezpieczeniowy dał mi dobrą ofertę na ubezpieczenie samochodu. |
76. | interior decorator Click to listen highlighted text! interior decorator | dekorator wnętrz | The interior decorator tried to arrange the room to suit my needs. Click to listen highlighted text! The interior decorator tried to arrange the room to suit my needs. | Dekorator wnętrz starał się urządzić pokój tak aby spełnił moje oczekiwania. |
77. | interpreter Click to listen highlighted text! interpreter | tłumacz ustny | An interpreter must be very focused during the translation. Click to listen highlighted text! An interpreter must be very focused during the translation. | Tłumacz ustny musi być bardzo skupiony podczas tłumaczenia. |
78. | investigator Click to listen highlighted text! investigator | oficer śledczy | The investigators are trying to find the stolen money. Click to listen highlighted text! The investigators are trying to find the stolen money. | Oficerowie śledczy starają się odnaleźć skradzione pieniądze. |
79. | jeweller Click to listen highlighted text! jeweller | jubiler | The jeweller's house has been broken into. Click to listen highlighted text! The jeweller's house has been broken into. | Włamano się do domu jubilera. |
80. | journalist Click to listen highlighted text! journalist | dziennikarz | The journalist should be impartial. Click to listen highlighted text! The journalist should be impartial. | Dziennikarz powinien być bezstronny. |
81. | judge Click to listen highlighted text! judge | sędzia | The judge sentenced her to life in prison. Click to listen highlighted text! The judge sentenced her to life in prison. | Sędzia skazał ją na karę dożywocia. |
82. | lawyer Click to listen highlighted text! lawyer | prawnik | This case is too complicated for a young lawyer. Click to listen highlighted text! This case is too complicated for a young lawyer. | Ta sprawa jest zbytr skomplikowana dla młodego prawnika. |
83. | librarian Click to listen highlighted text! librarian | bibliotekarz | The librarian was sitting behind his desk and reading a book about aliens invasion. Click to listen highlighted text! The librarian was sitting behind his desk and reading a book about aliens invasion. | Bibliotekarz siedział za biurkiem i czytał książkę o inwazji obcych. |
84. | lifeguard Click to listen highlighted text! lifeguard | ratownik | There is no lifeguard on this beach. Click to listen highlighted text! There is no lifeguard on this beach. | Na tej plaży nie ma ratownika. |
85. | locksmith Click to listen highlighted text! locksmith | ślusarz | I couldn't open the door so I called a locksmith. Click to listen highlighted text! I couldn't open the door so I called a locksmith. | Nie mogłam otworzyć drzwi, więc wezwałam ślisarza. |
86. | maid Click to listen highlighted text! maid | pokojówka | The maid had stolen my wallet before I came back to the room. Click to listen highlighted text! The maid had stolen my wallet before I came back to the room. | Pokojówka ukradła mój portfel zanim wróciłem do pokoju. |
87. | manager Click to listen highlighted text! manager | kierownik | I want to talk with the manager of this office. Click to listen highlighted text! I want to talk with the manager of this office. | Chcę rozmawiać z kierownikiem tego biura. |
88. | midwife Click to listen highlighted text! midwife | położna | That midwife saved the life of my little child. Click to listen highlighted text! That midwife saved the life of my little child. | Ta położna uratowała życie mojego maleństwa. |
89. | model Click to listen highlighted text! model | modelka, model | She is a well known model in the fashion industry. Click to listen highlighted text! She is a well known model in the fashion industry. | Jest znaną modelką w świecie mody. |
90. | nurse Click to listen highlighted text! nurse | pielęgniarka | The nurse has brought me new anaesthetics. Click to listen highlighted text! The nurse has brought me new anaesthetics. | Pielęgniarka przyniosła mi nowe leki znieczulające. |
91. | ophthalmologist Click to listen highlighted text! ophthalmologist | okulista | My ophthalmologist has prescribed herbal eye drops for my irritated eye. Click to listen highlighted text! My ophthalmologist has prescribed herbal eye drops for my irritated eye. | Mój okulista przypisał mi ziołowe krople do oczu na moje podrażnienie. |
92. | optician Click to listen highlighted text! optician | optyk | An optician will help you to choose glasses. Click to listen highlighted text! An optician will help you to choose glasses. | Optyk pomoże ci dobrać okulary. |
93. | painter Click to listen highlighted text! painter | malarz | They have asked the painter to use a professional brush. Click to listen highlighted text! They have asked the painter to use a professional brush. | Poprosili malarza aby używał profesjonalnego pędzla. |
94. | photographer Click to listen highlighted text! photographer | fotograf | The photographer intended to sell the pictures to the press. Click to listen highlighted text! The photographer intended to sell the pictures to the press. | Fotograf zamierzał sprzedać zdjęcia prasie. |
95. | physiotherapist Click to listen highlighted text! physiotherapist | fizjoterapeuta | I always go to my physiotherapist when I get that pain in my back. Click to listen highlighted text! I always go to my physiotherapist when I get that pain in my back. | Zawsze idę do mojego fizjoterapeuty gdy pojawia się ten ból pleców. |
96. | pilot Click to listen highlighted text! pilot | pilot | The pilot decided to land at the alternate aerodrome. Click to listen highlighted text! The pilot decided to land at the alternate aerodrome. | Pilot zdecydował, że wyląduje na lotnisku zapasowym. |
97. | plumber Click to listen highlighted text! plumber | hydraulik | He is a skilled plumber. Click to listen highlighted text! He is a skilled plumber. | On jest wykwalifikowanym hydraulikiem. |
98. | policeman Click to listen highlighted text! policeman | policjant | Go and ask that policeman where should we go now. Click to listen highlighted text! Go and ask that policeman where should we go now. | Idź i zapytaj tego policjanta gdzie powinniśmy teraz iść. |
99. | policewoman Click to listen highlighted text! policewoman | policjantka | The policewoman ordered me to stop. Click to listen highlighted text! The policewoman ordered me to stop. | Policjantka kazała mi się zatrzymać |
100. | politician Click to listen highlighted text! politician | polityk | Polititians should serve their country citizens. Click to listen highlighted text! Polititians should serve their country citizens. | Politycy powinni służyć obywatelom swojego państwa. |
101. | postman Click to listen highlighted text! postman | listonosz | I am waiting for the postman. Click to listen highlighted text! I am waiting for the postman. | Czekam na listonosza. |
102. | priest Click to listen highlighted text! priest | ksiądz | That man is dying. Call a preist. Click to listen highlighted text! That man is dying. Call a preist. | Ten człowiek umiera. Wezwijcie księdza. |
103. | programmer Click to listen highlighted text! programmer | programista | A good programmer should solve this problem. Click to listen highlighted text! A good programmer should solve this problem. | Dobry programista powinien sobie poradzić z tym problemem. |
104. | public prosecutor Click to listen highlighted text! public prosecutor | oskarżyciel | The public prosecutor should take part in this meeting. Click to listen highlighted text! The public prosecutor should take part in this meeting. | Prokurator powinien wziąć udział w tym spotkaniu. |
105. | psychiatrist Click to listen highlighted text! psychiatrist | psychiatra | There was only one psychiatrist in the town. Click to listen highlighted text! There was only one psychiatrist in the town. | W miasteczku był tylko jeden psychiatra. |
106. | psychologist Click to listen highlighted text! psychologist | psycholog | Psychologists are helping people to deal with difficult situations. Click to listen highlighted text! Psychologists are helping people to deal with difficult situations. | Psychologowie pomagają ludziom radzić sobie z trudnymi sytuacjami. |
107. | receptionist Click to listen highlighted text! receptionist | recepcjonista | Call the receptionist to bring another bottle of wine. Click to listen highlighted text! Call the receptionist to bring another bottle of wine. | Zadzwoń do recepcjonisty żeby przyniósł kolejną butelkę wina. |
108. | refuse collector Click to listen highlighted text! refuse collector | śmieciarz | First he worked as a refuse collector. Now he owns one of the biggest cleaning company in the city. Click to listen highlighted text! First he worked as a refuse collector. Now he owns one of the biggest cleaning company in the city. | Najpierw pracował jako śmieciarz. Teraz jest właścicielem największej firmy sprzątającej w mieście. |
109. | reporter Click to listen highlighted text! reporter | reporter | The reporter was asking too many questions. Click to listen highlighted text! The reporter was asking too many questions. | Reporter zadawał zbyt wiele pytań. |
110. | roofer Click to listen highlighted text! roofer | dekarz | A roofer lays and repairs roofs. Click to listen highlighted text! A roofer lays and repairs roofs. | Dekarz kładzie oraz naprawia dachy. |
111. | sailor Click to listen highlighted text! sailor | marynarz | He is a sailor but he can't swim. Click to listen highlighted text! He is a sailor but he can't swim. | Jest żaglarzem, ale nie potrafi pływać. |
112. | shop assistant Click to listen highlighted text! shop assistant | sprzedawca | The shop assistant in your shop was very rude. Click to listen highlighted text! The shop assistant in your shop was very rude. | Sprzedawca w waszym sklepie był bardzo niemiły. |
113. | scientist Click to listen highlighted text! scientist | naukowiec | Scientists claim that it is possible. Click to listen highlighted text! Scientists claim that it is possible. | Naukowce twierdzą, że to możliwe. |
114. | secretary Click to listen highlighted text! secretary | sekretarka | He hired a secretary to help him with everyday tasks. Click to listen highlighted text! He hired a secretary to help him with everyday tasks. | Zatrudnił sekretarkę aby pomagał mu w codziennych zadaniach. |
115. | shoemaker Click to listen highlighted text! shoemaker | szewc | The shoemaker's workshop is on the other side of the street. Click to listen highlighted text! The shoemaker's workshop is on the other side of the street. | Pracownia szewca znajduje się po drugiej stronie ulicy. |
116. | singer Click to listen highlighted text! singer | piosenkarz | They have chosen the best singer of the evening. Click to listen highlighted text! They have chosen the best singer of the evening. | Wybrali nalepszego piosenkarza wieczoru. |
117. | social worker Click to listen highlighted text! social worker | pracownik opieki społecznej | Social workers did not want to help that family. Click to listen highlighted text! Social workers did not want to help that family. | Pracownicy opieki społecznej nie chcieli pomóc tej rodzinie. |
118. | soldier Click to listen highlighted text! soldier | żołnierz | He is proud to be a soldier. Click to listen highlighted text! He is proud to be a soldier. | Jest dumny z bycia żołnierzem. |
119. | solicitor Click to listen highlighted text! solicitor | adwokat | The only way to win is to hire a good solicitor. Click to listen highlighted text! The only way to win is to hire a good solicitor. | Jedynym sposobem na wygraną jest zatrudnienie dobrego adwokata. |
120. | stockbroker Click to listen highlighted text! stockbroker | makler giełdowy | For a while he worked as a stockbroker. Click to listen highlighted text! For a while he worked as a stockbroker. | Przez chwilę pracował jako makler giełdowy. |
121. | stuntman Click to listen highlighted text! stuntman | kaskader | We need a stuntman for this dangerous scene. Click to listen highlighted text! We need a stuntman for this dangerous scene. | Do tego niebezpiecznego ujęcia potrzebujemy kaskadera. |
122. | surgeon Click to listen highlighted text! surgeon | chirurg | The surgeon thoroughly examined my brother. Click to listen highlighted text! The surgeon thoroughly examined my brother. | Chirurg gruntownie przebadał mojego brata. |
123. | tailor Click to listen highlighted text! tailor | krawiec męski | Your suit looks great. Who is your tailor? Click to listen highlighted text! Your suit looks great. Who is your tailor? | Twój garnitur świetnie się prezentuje. Kto jest twoim krawcem? |
124. | taxi driver Click to listen highlighted text! taxi driver | taksówkarz | The taxi driver was accused of cheating. Click to listen highlighted text! The taxi driver was accused of cheating. | Taksówkarz został oskarżony o oszustwo. |
125. | teacher Click to listen highlighted text! teacher | nauczyciel | My English teacher is great. Click to listen highlighted text! My English teacher is great. | Mój nauczyciel angielskiego jest wspaniały. |
126. | ticket inspector Click to listen highlighted text! ticket inspector | kontroler biletów, kanar | The ticket inspector asked me to show him my ticket. Click to listen highlighted text! The ticket inspector asked me to show him my ticket. | Kontroler biletów poprosił mnie o pokazanie biletu. |
127. | tour guide Click to listen highlighted text! tour guide | przewodnik | The trip wouldn't be the same without our tour guide. Click to listen highlighted text! The trip wouldn't be the same without our tour guide. | Wycieczka nie była by taka sama bez naszego przewodnika. |
128. | trainer Click to listen highlighted text! trainer | trener | She works as a trainer at football school. Click to listen highlighted text! She works as a trainer at football school. | Ona pracuje jako trener w szkole piłkarskiej. |
129. | translator Click to listen highlighted text! translator | tłumacz | The assistance of a translator is crucial. Click to listen highlighted text! The assistance of a translator is crucial. | Pomoc tłumacza jest niezbędna. |
130. | turner Click to listen highlighted text! turner | tokarz | What does a turner really do?. Click to listen highlighted text! What does a turner really do?. | Co ak naprawdę robi tokarz? |
131. | undertaker Click to listen highlighted text! undertaker | grabarz | The undertaker's face was very sad. Click to listen highlighted text! The undertaker's face was very sad. | Twarz grabarza była smutna. |
132. | vet Click to listen highlighted text! vet | weterynarz | I went to the vet because my dog hurt his leg. Click to listen highlighted text! I went to the vet because my dog hurt his leg. | Poszedłem do weterynarzam, bo mój pies zranił się w nogę. |
133. | waiter Click to listen highlighted text! waiter | kelner | The waiter was asked for the bill. Click to listen highlighted text! The waiter was asked for the bill. | Kelner został poproszony o rachunek. |
134. | waitress Click to listen highlighted text! waitress | kelnerka | She is the most beautiful waitress I have ever seen. Click to listen highlighted text! She is the most beautiful waitress I have ever seen. | Jest najpiękniejszą kelnerką jaką kiedykolwiek widziałem. |
135. | watchmaker Click to listen highlighted text! watchmaker | zegarmistrz | The watchmaker told me that my watch was a fake. Click to listen highlighted text! The watchmaker told me that my watch was a fake. | Zegarmistrz powiedział mi, że ten zegarek to podróbka. |
136. | weaver Click to listen highlighted text! weaver | tkacz | The weaver work is very tedious. Click to listen highlighted text! The weaver work is very tedious. | Praca tkacza jest bardzo żmudna. |
137. | welder Click to listen highlighted text! welder | spawacz | The explosion injured the welder. Click to listen highlighted text! The explosion injured the welder. | Eksplozja spowodowała obrażenia ciała spawacza. |
138. | writer Click to listen highlighted text! writer | pisarz | My favourite writer is Ernest Hemingway. Click to listen highlighted text! My favourite writer is Ernest Hemingway. | Moim ulubionym pisarzem jest Ernest Hemingway. |