put/stick your oar in

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put/stick your oar in

put / stick your oar in   Click to listen highlighted text! put / stick your oar in

1. wtrącać swoje trzy grosze

2. wtykać nos w nie swoje sprawy

przykładowe zdania:

1. Your mother is always sticking her oar in. She should know that we can solve our problems alone.   Click to listen highlighted text! Your mother is always sticking her oar in. She should know that we can solve our problems alone. - Twoja mama zawsze wtrąca swoje trzy grosze. Powinna wiedzieć, że sami potrafimy rozwiązywać swoje problemy.

2. I don't want to put my oar in, but it seems he doesn't respect your feelings.   Click to listen highlighted text! I don't want to put my oar in, but it seems he doesn't respect your feelings. - Nie chcę wtykać nosa w nie swoje sprawy, ale zdaje się, że on nie szanuje twoich uczuć.

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