Przysłowia angielskie
Lista przysłów w języku angielskim. Każde przysłowie posiada polskie tłumaczenie.
Term | Definition |
Half of loaf is better than none. | Half of loaf is better than none. Click to listen highlighted text! Half of loaf is better than none. Lepszy rydz niż nic. |
Haste makes waste. | Haste makes waste. Click to listen highlighted text! Haste makes waste. Gdy się człowiek spieszy, to się diabeł cieszy. |
He who excuses himself accuses himself. | He who excuses himself accuses himself. Click to listen highlighted text! He who excuses himself accuses himself. Winny się tłumaczy. |
He who laughs last laughs best. | He who laughs last laughs best. Click to listen highlighted text! He who laughs last laughs best. Ten się śmieje, kto się śmieje ostatni. |
He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. | He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. Click to listen highlighted text! He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword. Kto mieczem wojuje, ten od miecza ginie. |
History repeats itself. | History repeats itself. Click to listen highlighted text! History repeats itself. Historia lubi się powtarzać. |
Honesty is the best policy. | Honesty is the best policy. Click to listen highlighted text! Honesty is the best policy. Uczciwość popłaca.