as right as rain   Click to listen highlighted text! as right as rain 1. jak nowy, zdrów jak ryba przykładowe zdania: 1. After one week in the hospital..." /> Idiomy - Słownik idiomów angielskich - as right as rain

as right as rain

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as right as rain

as right as rain   Click to listen highlighted text! After one week in the hospital... /> Idiomy - Słownik idiomów angielskich - as right as rain .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container, .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container-in, .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container-in .fb-page {max-width: 100%;} #pwebbox_facebook_pageplugin_160 {width: 500px;} .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container .fb_iframe_widget, .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container .fb_iframe_widget span, .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container .fb_iframe_widget span iframe[style] {width: 100% !important; min-width: 180px} .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-pretext {margin-bottom:5px;} .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container, .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container-in, .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container-in .fb-page {max-width: 100%;} #pwebbox_facebook_pageplugin_159 {width: 280px;} .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container .fb_iframe_widget, .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container .fb_iframe_widget span, .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-container .fb_iframe_widget span iframe[style] {width: 100% !important; min-width: 180px} .pwebbox-facebook-pageplugin-pretext {margin-bottom:5px;} {csrf.token:4f70a74000709120ac301f2196178fcd,system.paths:{root:,base:},joomla.jtext:{JLIB_FORM_FIELD_INVALID:Niepoprawne pole: },system.keepalive:{interval:840000,uri:\/component\/ajax\/?format=json}} jQuery(function($) { $(.hasTip).each(function() { var title = $(this).attr(title); if (title) { var parts = title.split(::, 2); var mtelement =;, parts[0]);, parts[1]); } }); var JTooltips = new Tips($(.hasTip).get(), {maxTitleChars: 50,fixed: false}); }); jQuery(document).ready(function($){$(#pwebbox160).on(onOpen,function(e){FB.XFBML.parse(document.getElementById(pwebbox_facebook_pageplugin_160));if(typeof ga!=undefined)ga(send,trackSocial,facebook,visit)})}); (function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(d.getElementById(id))return;js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=//;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}(document,script,facebook-jssdk)); jQuery(document).ready(function($){$(#pwebbox159).on(onOpen,function(e){FB.XFBML.parse(document.getElementById(pwebbox_facebook_pageplugin_159));if(typeof ga!=undefined)ga(send,trackSocial,facebook,visit)})}); jQuery(function($) { SqueezeBox.initialize({}); initSqueezeBox(); $(document).on(subform-row-add, initSqueezeBox); function initSqueezeBox(event, container) { SqueezeBox.assign($(container || document).find(a.jbcookies).get(), { parse: rel }); } }); window.jModalClose = function () { SqueezeBox.close(); }; // Add extra modal close functionality for tinyMCE-based editors document.onreadystatechange = function () { if (document.readyState == interactive && typeof tinyMCE != undefined && tinyMCE) { if (typeof window.jModalClose_no_tinyMCE === undefined) { window.jModalClose_no_tinyMCE = typeof(jModalClose) == function ? jModalClose : false; jModalClose = function () { if (window.jModalClose_no_tinyMCE) window.jModalClose_no_tinyMCE.apply(this, arguments); tinyMCE.activeEditor.windowManager.close(); }; } if (typeof window.SqueezeBoxClose_no_tinyMCE === undefined) { if (typeof(SqueezeBox) == undefined) SqueezeBox = {}; window.SqueezeBoxClose_no_tinyMCE = typeof(SqueezeBox.close) == function ? 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1. jak nowy, zdrów jak ryba

przykładowe zdania:

1. After one week in the hospital I am as right as rain.   Click to listen highlighted text! After one week in the hospital I am as right as rain. - Po tygodniu w szpitalu jestem jak nowy.

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