Idiomy angielskie

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There are 5 entries in this glossary.
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have a bone to pick with someone

have a bone to pick with someone   Click to listen highlighted text! have a bone to pick with someone

1. mieć z kimś do pomówienia, mieć na pieńku

przykładowe zdania:

1. I have a bone to pick with my son.   Click to listen highlighted text! I have a bone to pick with my son. - Mam do pomówienia z moim synem. 

2. The food was awful. You surely have a bone to pick up with your cook.   Click to listen highlighted text! The food was awful. You surely have a bone to pick up with your cook. - Jedzenie było wstrętne. Zdecydowanie masz do pomówienia ze swoim kucharzem.

have a whale of a time

have a whale of a time   Click to listen highlighted text! have a whale of a time

1. doskonale się bawić

przykładowe zdania:

1. They had a whale of a time with each other.   Click to listen highlighted text! They had a whale of a time with each other. - Doskonale się razem bawili.

high and low

high and low   Click to listen highlighted text! high and low

1. wszędzie

przykładowe zdania:

1. They searched high and low but they couldn't find that document.   Click to listen highlighted text! They searched high and low but they couldn't find that document. - Szukali wszędzie, ale nie mogli znaleźć tego dokumentu. 

hit the books

hit the books   Click to listen highlighted text! hit the books

1. zakuwać, dużo się uczyć

przykładowe zdania:

1. The final exam is soon so I have to hit the books.   Click to listen highlighted text! The final exam is soon so I have to hit the books. - Egzamin końcowy wkrótce, więc muszę zacząć zakuwać.

2. Jane turn off the computer and hit the books. The test is tomorrow.   Click to listen highlighted text! Jane turn off the computer and hit the books. The test is tomorrow. - Jane wyłącz komputer i zakuwaj. Jutro jest sprawdzian.

hit the nail on the head

hit the nail on the head   Click to listen highlighted text! hit the nail on the head

1. trafić w sedno

przykładowe zdania:

1. It looks like your article hit the nail on the head.   Click to listen highlighted text! It looks like your article hit the nail on the head. - Wygląda na to, że twój artykuł trafił w samo sedno.

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