Przeczenia i pytania - Past Perfect

Zdania przeczące

Aby stworzyć zdanie przeczące w czasie Past Perfect zaraz za operatorem 'had' dodajemy 'not'.


Podmiot + had + not + czasownik w formie przeszłej (nieregularne w III formie) + reszta zdania.

He had not finished his homework.

 On nie skończył zadania domowego.


Najczęściej łączymy operator "had" oraz  "not":

had not - hadn't


Spójrzmy na odmianę zdania przeczącego - Nie skończyłem zadania domowego.

Liczba pojedyńcza (singular):

Liczba mnoga (plural):

I hadn't finished my homework.

We hadn't finished my homework.

You hadn't finished my homework.

You hadn't finished my homework.

He/She/It hadn't finished my homework.

They hadn't finished my homework.

Tak jak widać w formie operatora podczas odmiany przez osoby nie zachodzi żadna zmiana.


Porównajmy teraz kilka zdań twierdzących i ich przeczące odpowiedniki:


I had finished singing before he came in. -  I hadn't finished singing before he came in.   Click to listen highlighted text! I had finished singing before he came in. -  I hadn't finished singing before he came in. - Skończyłem/nie skończyłem śpiewać zanim wszedł.

Jane had fixed the cooker. - Jane hadn't fixed the cooker.   Click to listen highlighted text! Jane had fixed the cooker. - Jane hadn't fixed the cooker. - Naprawił/nie naprawił piekarnika. (przed innym wydarzeniem w przeszłości)

She had seen that film before you did. - She hadn't seen that film before you did.   Click to listen highlighted text! She had seen that film before you did. - She hadn't seen that film before you did. - Widziała/nie widziała tego filmu przed tobą.

They had lived in Portugal before they moved to Greece. - They hadn't lived in Portugal before they moved to Greece.   Click to listen highlighted text! They had lived in Portugal before they moved to Greece. - They hadn't lived in Portugal before they moved to Greece. - Mieszkali/nie mieszkali w Portugalii zanim przeprowadzili się do Grecji.


Zdania pytające

Pytania w czasie Past Perfect tworzymy na zasadzie inwersji. Zamieniamy ze sobą miejscami 'had' oraz podmiot.


Had + podmiot + czasownik w formie przeszłej (nieregularne w III formie) + reszta zdania + ?

Had she arrived before you came in ?

Czy ona przyjechała zanim weszliście ?


Spójrzmy na odmianę zdania pytającego - Czy otworzyłeś drzwi wczoraj przed 10:00?

Liczba pojedyńcza (singular):

Liczba mnoga (plural)

Had I opened the door before 10:00 yesterday?

Had we opened the door before 10:00 yesterday?

Had you opened the door before 10:00 yesterday?

Had you opened the door before 10:00 yesterday?

Had he/she/it opened the door before 10:00 yesterday?

Had they opened the door before 10:00 yesterday?

Również w przypadku pytań i ich odmiany przez osoby nie zachodzi żadna zmiana w operatorze.


Spójrzmy na kilka przykładowych pytań w czasie Present Perfect:


Had she worked in a hospital before she started to work at school?   Click to listen highlighted text! Had she worked in a hospital before she started to work at school? - Czy pracowała w szpitalu zanim rozpoczęła pracę w szkole?

Had they visited their mother before she moved to another town?   Click to listen highlighted text! Had they visited their mother before she moved to another town? - Czy oni odwiedzili swoją mamę zanim wyprowadziła się do innego miasta?

Had he spoken to James by the time she was outside?   Click to listen highlighted text! Had he spoken to James by the time she was outside?   - Czy on rozmawiał z James'em do czasu gdy ona była na zewnątrz?

What had we done that made him so sad?   Click to listen highlighted text! What had we done that made him so sad?   - Co zrobiliśmy, że tak bardzo posmutniał?

How much money had they spent before you noticed that something is wrong?   Click to listen highlighted text! How much money had they spent before you noticed that something is wrong? - Ile wydali pieniędzy zanim zauważyliście, że coś jest nie tak?


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