Przeczenia i pytania - Past Continuous

Zdania przeczące

Aby stworzyć zdanie przeczące w czasie Past Continuous należy użyć przeczenia 'not'.


was not/were not najczęściej skracamy:

was not   Click to listen highlighted text! was not - wasn’t   Click to listen highlighted text! wasn’t

were not   Click to listen highlighted text! were not - werent   Click to listen highlighted text! weren’t


Podmiot + wasn't/weren't + czasownik z końcówką -ing + reszta zdania.

They weren't working at 10 o'clock yesterday.   Click to listen highlighted text! They weren't working at 10 o'clock yesterday.

Oni nie pracowali wczoraj o godzinie 10:00.


Spójrzmy na odmianę zdania przeczącego - Wczoraj nie czytałem cały dzień.

Liczba pojedyńcza (singular):

Liczba mnoga (plural):

I wasn't reading all day yesterday.

We weren't reading all day yesterday.

You weren't reading all day yesterday.

You weren't reading all day yesterday.

He/She/It wasn't reading all day yesterday.

They weren't reading all day yesterday.

Spójrzmy jeszcze na kilka zdań twierdzących i ich przeczące odpowiedniki w czasie Past Continuous:


I was sleeping at 10 o'clock yesterday. - I wasnt sleeping at 10 o'clock yesterday.   Click to listen highlighted text! I was sleeping at 10 o'clock yesterday. - I wasn’t sleeping at 10 o'clock yesterday. - Spałem/Nie spałem wczoraj o godzinie 10:00.

They were cooking dinner when we arrived. - They werent cooking dinner when we arrived.   Click to listen highlighted text! They were cooking dinner when we arrived. - They weren’t cooking dinner when we arrived. - Gotowali/Nie gotowali obiadu kiedy przyjechaliśmy.

He was eating dinner while she was listening to music. - He wasnt eating dinner while she was listening to music.   Click to listen highlighted text! He was eating dinner while she was listening to music. - He wasn’t eating dinner while she was listening to music. - Jadł/Nie jadł obiadu podczas gdy ona słuchała muzyki.

We were sitting at home when the car exploded. - We werent sitting at home when the car exploded.   Click to listen highlighted text! We were sitting at home when the car exploded. - We weren’t sitting at home when the car exploded. - Siedzieliśmy/Nie siedzieliśmy w domu gdy samochód eksplodował.

Zdania pytające

Pytania w czasie Past Continuous tworzymy używając dobrze nam już znanej z poprzednich czasów inwersji, czyli zmiany kolejności poszczególnych wyrazów.


Was/Were + podmiot + czasownik z końcówką -ing + reszta zdania + ?

Were you reading a letter when she came in?   Click to listen highlighted text! Were you reading a letter when she came in?

Czy czytałeś list gdy ona weszła ?


Spójrzmy na odmianę zdania pytającego - Czy uczyłeś się wczoraj wieczorem o 21:00?

Liczba pojedyńcza (singular):

Liczba mnoga (plural)

Was I learning at 9 p.m. last night?

Were we learning at 9 p.m. last night?

Were you learning at 9 p.m. last night?

Were you learning at 9 p.m. last night?

Was he/she/it learning at 9 p.m. last night?

Were they learning at 9 p.m. last night?

Krótkie odpowiedzi to: Yes, I was / Yes, we were - tak. Oraz przecząca: No, I wasn't / No we weren't - nie.


Poniżej kilka przykładowych pytań w czasie Past Continuous:


Were you running when the accident happened.   Click to listen highlighted text! Were you running when the accident happened. - Czy biegałeś gdy zdarzył się wypadek?

What was he doing when she phoned him?   Click to listen highlighted text! What was he doing when she phoned him? - Co robił gdy do niego zadzwoniła?

Were they listening while we were talking?   Click to listen highlighted text! Were they listening while we were talking? - Czy słuchali podczas gdy mówiliśmy?

Who was screaming when I came in?   Click to listen highlighted text! Who was screaming when I came in? - Kto krzyczał gdy wszedłem?

Why was he shouting while we were swimming?   Click to listen highlighted text! Why was he shouting while we were swimming? - Dlaczego on krzyczał kiedy pływaliśmy?


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Kiedy używamy czas Past Continuous

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