Budowa czasu Past Continuous
Zdania twierdzące
Czas Past Continuous tworzymy używając was/were oraz drugiego czasownika z końcówką -ing.
Podmiot + was/were + czasownik z końcówką -ing + reszta zdania
He was visiting museum at 10 o'clock yesterday. Click to listen highlighted text! He was visiting museum at 10 o'clock yesterday.
Wczoraj o 10:00 był w muzeum.
Spójrzmy na odmianę zdania: Wczoraj o 9:00 pracowałem.
Liczba pojedyńcza (singular) | Liczba mnoga (plural) |
I was working at 9 o'clock yesterday. | We were working at 9 o'clock yesterday. |
You were working at 9 o'clock yesterday. | You were working at 9 o'clock yesterday. |
He/She/It was working at 9 o'clock yesterday. | They were working at 9 o'clock yesterday. |
Zasady dotyczące dodawania końcówki -ing do czasowników są takie same jak w czasie Present Continuous.
Poniżej kilka zdań twierdzących z Past Continuous dla utrwalenia:
The girls were reading the book at 8 o'clock in the morning. Click to listen highlighted text! The girls were reading the book at 8 o'clock in the morning. - Rano o 8:00 dziewczynki czytały książkę.
When Steve was sleeping, somebody stole his car. Click to listen highlighted text! When Steve was sleeping, somebody stole his car. - Gdy Steve spał, ktoś ukradł mu samochód.
He was eating when I came back. Click to listen highlighted text! He was eating when I came back. - On jadł gdy wróciłem.
I was working while he was flying to Greece on holiday. Click to listen highlighted text! I was working while he was flying to Greece on holiday. - Ja pracowałem podczas gdy on leciał na wakacje w Grecji.
They were waiting for the bus when the accident happened. Click to listen highlighted text! They were waiting for the bus when the accident happened. - Czekali na autobus gdy wydarzył się wypadek.
Sprawdź również:
Kiedy używamy czas Past Continuous
Przeczenia i pytania Past Continuous